Coach on Fire Listeners

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Tony Robbins - Cloe Madanes Program Trained Coach


As a professional life coach I can help you reach your goals and make a change in your life. 

I can help you create change in the areas of your life that you wish to transform by helping you to get out of your head and start taking action.  I will guide you through the process by asking questions that help you evaluate and together we will decide which steps to take in order for you to reach your goal. I will motivate you, strategize with you and be your accountability partner.

My goal is to help you reach your goal in the most efficient, effective and rewarding way possible. I will be there every step of the way, from the beginning to the end, from the initial exploration to the planning stages all the way through the execution stages.

I Will Help You Identify Your Goals

Figuring out your goals is one of the hardest things to do when you’re trying to make a change or get started in a new direction. I will help you interpret your dreams, passions and ideas, and organize them into reachable and tangible goals. I will help you to connect what your mind is saying and what your heart is singing to build a bridge between the two and move you forward towards your passions, dreams and create the change you want.

Identifying, redirecting and managing goals to make them more realistic and reacheable is what I do best. Whether you have an idea of what you want but are having a hard time making it into a solid goal that you can work toward, or you may have a solid goal but then you feel discourage as you begin to realize that it isn’t what you want or it is not as easily accessible as you thought. I will help you reevaluate those ideas and goals in order to turn them into smart goals with a personalized road map and tools that encourage, create and support  real change, forward motion and transformation in the process .

I Will Help You Achieve Your Goals

I will help you get from where you are right now in your life, to where you want to go. I will support you, motivate you, and hold you accountable for achieving your vision for yourself. Whatever it is that you want in your life, I will help you get there.

I Will Guide You Through Changes and Obstacles

Life is full of surprises. Just when we think we got it all figured out, Life throws a curve ball. Why? Because learning and expanding never stop and we must expand, change and transform to keep up with Life, but also keep up with ourselves, and our own dreams and newly created aspirations. I will help you navigate Life's obstacles as well as your own subconsciously self-imposed obstacles to move yourself and your life forward and to find meaning, fulfillment, success, well-being and happiness. I will help you identify the blocks and obstacles that are making you feel “stuck” and help you to move through them.

I Will Help You Give Yourself Permission to Follow Your Dreams

We all have dreams, but sometimes, we prevent ourselves from making them a reality, because we may be searching for validation and approval before we truly feel justified in taking that big first step towards following our dreams or reaching our goals. I know this, because I have been there. The advice and feedback from family and friends can be helpful but it's not professional, it's subjective. I can help you because I am separate from your personal life and I can truly look at your dreams, ideas and goals with objectivity, sincerity. I have an unbiased perspective and only the desire to see you succeed. I am in a position where I can give you the right validation that you need to get started on making your big move, plus I will walk your path with you every step of the way.

I will Teach You How to Make the Right Decisions for Yourself

Do you need help making a decision. Decisions could be anything from what goal to prioritize, what step to take first, or to figure out if you should even pursue that goal in the first place.

I will provide you with tools, methods and tactics that will help you make the right decisions for yourself and your future, long after our work and time together. I will help you develop a problem solving mindset that works for YOU.  Equiped with this tailored mindset you will change how you think, and therefore make decisions on a daily basis because it simply makes sense, because you know yourself better, because you know how your own mind works and you know how to take advantage of it.


Back to Basics



This package is for you, IF your goal is to overcome and resolve one or two issues such as:

  • Lack of clarity and/or direction in life
  • Removing the feeling of being ‘stuck’
  • Need  help in managing and reducing stress
  • Need help with organizational skills

Results: we will work on personalized tools that will work for YOU so that you: 

  • Gain clarity and have a map that will help you navigate
  • Start moving forward in a new direction
  • Know your triggers and how to react to them in a new healthy way
  • Take charge of your everyday life in a way that supports your goals

What's included


  • 3 x 1-hour sessions or 6 x 30-minute sessions
  • Personalized worksheets
  • Free email support for the duration of the coaching sessions

Change is in the air



This package is for you, IF your goal is to:

  • Make a lasting change in your life
  • Get over fear of failure or success
  • Identify other fears that hold you back
  • Identify limiting beliefs
  • Transcend perfection paralysis
  • Improve relationships in your life
  • Learn to say No and set healthy bounderies

This is the most popular package because it doesn’t matter if you know what it is you want to change, or if you just know you want your life to be different.

This package gives us enough time to get to work together and give you the tools you need to make those important lasting changes in your life.

Results: we will work on personalized tools that will work for YOU so that you: 

  • Gain clarity and know exactly what you want and how to get there
  • Break free of the fears and work with them 
  • Replace limiting beliefs with new ones that will support your goals in life
  • Break free of perfection paralysis and start moving forward
  • Have supportive and healthy relationships
  • Honor yourself with new ways to set bounderies

What's included


  • 12x 1-hour or 24 x 30 minute Life
  • Personalized Worksheets
  • Free email support for the duration of the coaching session




This package is for you, IF you want to work on multiple areas and deep rooted issues such as :

  • Self-sabotage
  • Improve self-confidence
  • Healing your inner child
  • Improve your self-worth (what is your value system and remove what doesn't work for you) 
  • Identify triggers and subconscious-driven behaviors that hold you back and that will require time to work on to get the desired results
  • Taking actions towards your goals
  • Finding your voice to express yourself authentically

Results: we will work on personalized tools that will work for YOU so that you:

  • Get to know yourself better so that you know why you are doing the things you do and how to change subconscious-driven behaviors that do not serve you
  • Find fulfillment in your life
  • Help with accountability, I'll be here to support you and guide you, it's easier when someone is cheering you on
  • Restore your life/work balance

6 months will give us the opportunity to create and foster an amazing partnership and tackle head on any issues you have now or crop up over the next year that maybe holding you back from fulfilling your potential.


What's included:


  • 12x 1-hour or 24 x 30 minute Life
  • Personalized Workbook
  • Free email support for the duration of the coaching session



THANK YOU NADIA! - “I needed clarity and direction since becoming a new mom. You helped me with figure out where I am right now and where I want to go, given my new life circumstances. I now know what I want and most importantly, how to get there. Thanks for being a great cheerleader when I needed the most. Thank you for listening and caring.
— I. Mary | Paris, France.
I am very grateful as I have a better understanding of who I am and why I do the things I do. Thank you Nadia for showing me that I have lots of inner resources, thank you for helping me to dive into them and use them to make the big change I was afraid of making. Honestly, knowing why and how, helped me in all areas of my life, not only the issue I came to you with. I have clarity, goals and a map on how to get there. I appreciate you.
— Anna E. | San Antonio TX
I had no idea I was my own worst enemy, Self-sabotage no more, I get it now, I can fight the inner critic and share my creativity with the world. Who knew I’d judge myself worst then others. Now I know better thanks to you Nadia, I’m continuing our work, one painting at the time.
— Sam H. | Seattle WA
I’m inspired to take action, I realized what was blocking me, I’m no longer stuck, I’m moving forward. It’s not easy everyday, but her tools are helping me along the way towards the big change I want to make. Thanks for understanding me Nadia!”
— Elizabeth M. | Colombus OH

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