Plan efficiently | Make the most of your time + resources

Budget your retreat so you don't lose money | Make the profit you deserve

Avoid the mistakes most Retreat Leaders make that lead to loss of income

Peace of Mind retreat checklist

Peace of Mind Retreat Checklist | To help you organize your retreat

Retreat planning simplified - This checklist will help you organize yourself so that you know exactly what you need to do and when.

There's a lot of information and useful tips compiled in this checklist, below is quick is a overview:

  • 12 to 18 Months before your Retreat | Plan + price your retreat
  • 12 Months before your Retreat | Website, sales page and marketing strategy
  • 3 Months before your Retreat | Organization + preparation
  • 1 to 2 Months before your Retreat | Keep preparing, check and double check
  • After your Retreat | Reconcile your budget, learn + keep adding value

Retreat Pricing Structure

Retreat Pricing Structure Overview

To help you create your retreat budget  + How to price your retreat, so that you don't lose money. 

Step by step instructions on how to create your budget, PLUS the expenses that need to be included but are often missed. What you'll learn:

Introduction to the process of pricing your retreat | Spreadsheet Overview | Accommodations for your group | Transportation + Transfers | Marketing + Advertising | Planning + Budgeting for all the little things that add up |  Protect yourself with a Cancellation Policy | Figuring out Your Profits | Pricing your Retreat